Spring Harvests

Happy 2023! My 9th season farming on Camano Island and 10 years since I started farming!! Here’s a quick farm update:

It’s still pretty cold, but the days are getting longer, so I am confident spring is nearly here! The first harvest of 2023 will be Sunday, March 5th!! There will be a few harvests during the early spring, then will become more regular as the season gets going and we will be harvesting daily by June. Click here for a link to my website where I update what’s in the farm stand every day. Early spring crops include spinach, cabbage, kale and leeks. Later in the spring, I anticipate arugula, cauliflower, purple broccoli and more!

Vegetable Starts for your Garden

I will be growing starts to sell again this season! Lettuce, kale, peas, and rainbow chard will be available in April. Tomatoes, zucchini, winter squash, cucumbers and pumpkins will be available by May. No need to special order, I will have plenty, but if you are looking for something not on this list, let me know and I might have some extras I can pot up for you. Starts will be available in the farm stand until early June. 

Spring Happenings:

Brrr…it keeps snowing! Thankful for my greenhouses and hardy overwinter crops!

Onions and shallots were seeded a couple weeks ago and lettuce and other greens are gaining size.

Here I am happy to be done getting the pea trelis up and seeds in the ground!!

Thank you!!

I greatly appreciate all of you for your support and for shopping at my farm stand!! The local food system is more important than ever right now. I would not be here without you! Farming on Camano brings me joy and keeps my life very interesting!

Farmer Rachel